Engineering tools for you

In you can find several engineering tools for professional or educational use, including e.g. steam tables, equipment sizing calculators, pressure drop calculators etc.

Fluid properties


Calculate the properties of moist atmospheric air at certain pressure or elevation.


Calculate the properties of gas mixture with given gas components.


Calculate the properties of oil with given fixed input data.

Water/Steam (Mollier)

Calculate the properties of water/steam with given fixed input data. Calculation is based on IAPWS IF97 formulation.


Calculate the properties of water-ethylene glycol mixture at certain glycol concentration.

Equipment sizing


Calculate the size of a liquid pump and motor with given input data. This datasheet can be used also for pump inquiries.


Calculate the size of a gas or air fan and motor with given input data. This datasheet can be used also for fan inquiries.

Heat exchanger

Calculate the size of a heat exchanger with given input data. This datasheet can be used also for heat exchanger inquiries.

Pressure drop


Calculate the pressure drop of a liquid across a pipe with given fixed input data.


Calculate the pressure drop of gas or air across a duct with given fixed input data.